
The University of New England has developed an extensive global network through a series of partnerships with institutions in 摩洛哥, 西班牙, 冰岛, 和法国. 通过这些协议, 我们可以提供交换项目, 共享资源和教员, 共同提升国内外国际经验.



美国大学协会的标志正规澳门赌场网络和 the 美国大学协会 (IAU) signed a partnership agreement on January 2, 2020 to provide UNE students with expanded study abroad options in the South of 法国. The exclusive agreement will allow students to pursue an extensive array of educational opportunities at The American College of the Mediterranean in Aix-en-Provence, 马赛附近.

作为协议的一部分, UNE students will be eligible to take 18 credit hours a semester and have access to IAU’s Early-Start Program, 为期一周的, 一是信用语言文化导向.

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建立我们对本科和研究生教育的承诺, 北大西洋和北极地区的研究和经济发展, 正规澳门赌场网络与冰岛的两所高等教育机构建立了伙伴关系, 阿库雷里大学和Hólar大学学院. 

Holar标志The agreement was signed at the Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik, 冰岛 on October 8, 2016.

该协议为开展新的本科生交流提供了机会, 旅游及其他课程, the development of innovative international Masters’ Degree programs and new cooperative marine research and entrepreneurship. The partnership involves a one-to-one reciprocal exchange of students: University of Akureyri or Hólar University College will send students to UNE’s campus and a similar number of UNE students will be able to study at University of Akureyri or Hólar University College. 这两所学校都提供英语课程.


冰岛大学,雷克雅维克作为其全球参与承诺的一部分, UNE has signed partnership agreements with two 冰岛ic universities — the University of 冰岛 and Reykjavik University (RU) — that will forge new paths for academic and cultural exchange in the Arctic.

两项协议, 3月3日签署, 2020, 将提升大学的国际影响力, 加强学生的全球能力和文化意识, 并为研究和扩大学术项目开辟新的机会.

雷克雅未克大学校徽UNE and the University of 冰岛 have agreed to foster academic collaboration by facilitating and encouraging student, 教师, and staff exchanges; the exchange of academic materials; and the development of joint research opportunities.

另外, a memorandum of agreement (MOA) signed with RU will encourage the exchange of students and 教师 engaged in study, 指令, 和研究. 《正规澳门赌场网站》还将允许开展其他互利合作项目, 包括研究和出版, 实习, 专业会议, 以及相关学位课程的发展.

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伊朗阿卡瓦恩大学的绿色和白色印章正规澳门赌场网络和伊朗阿卡瓦恩大学(AUI), 这是摩洛哥和北非领先的美国式机构, 于2月18日签署了一项协议, 2014 to collaborate on academic and cultural interchanges to advance the internationalization of higher education

两所大学之间的协议使教师的交流成为可能, 促进创新学术和文化体验的学生和员工. These could include joint research projects; seminars, conferences and workshops; summer programs; blended teaching via information and communications technology (ICT); and community service and service learning opportunities. 在线 education and student life are other areas where the institutions could benefit from their partnership. 两所大学校园都配备了最先进的技术, 包括现代实验室, 教室和宿舍, 方便前往拉巴特等主要城市, 卡萨布兰卡, 菲斯和梅克内斯. 学生 are taught by 教师 researchers and scholars who are leading experts in their fields.

Abdelmalek Essaadi大学

Logo of the Abdelmalek Essaadi大学 featuring a white dove in front of a blue globe加强联合国在摩洛哥和该区域的存在, 正规澳门赌场网络校长riich和Houdaifa Ameziane教授, 大学校长Abdelmalek Essaadi, 丹吉尔省主要的公立大学系统, 6月22日签署了一项协议, 2012年开展教师交流, 研究合作和共同项目.

由于地理位置多样,摩洛哥处于文明和语言的十字路口. 地中海盆地的主要文化——从腓尼基到穆斯林, 阿拉伯人和柏柏尔人, the European and the African—have mingled in 摩洛哥 to create a colorful and rich society, 以其世界级的美食而闻名, 它的长袍, 还有它那传奇般的热情好客. 一个稳定而成熟的国家, 摩洛哥 offers an ideal setting to examine some of the major issues facing the world today, 比如水资源短缺, 能源的未来, 以及伊斯兰教和西方之间的紧张关系.


9月14日, 2016, 正规澳门赌场网络和丹吉尔-阿西拉县, an elected body that represents nine rural communities and three urban areas within the state of Tangier, signed an agreement at the Tangier State House to promote scientific and cultural growth in the region through UNE’s 全球教育 program in 丹吉尔、摩洛哥.

该协议支持科学, 正规澳门赌场网络丹吉尔校区学生的社交和体育活动. The two institutions also pledged to work toward improved access to health care and education, 特别是在摩洛哥的农村地区.


卡萨布兰卡美国学校标志6月21日, 2022, the University of New England signed an admissions agreement with the 卡萨布兰卡美国学校 (CAS) in 摩洛哥 to facilitate the recruitment of CAS graduates to UNE. The agreement includes a special Moroccan-American Friendship Scholarship for students who meet UNE's academic standards. 




正规澳门赌场网络与西班牙塞维利亚的巴勃罗·德·奥拉维德大学签署了协议 2012年4月20日,UNE校长. Danielle Ripich和UPO总裁Dr. 胡安·吉米内斯Martínez, 可能是第一个美国.S. semester abroad program to establish lab-based science courses in English in a non-English speaking country. 它允许正规澳门赌场网络的学生参加有机化学的实验课程, 微生物学, 解剖学和生理学的发展,以满足正规澳门赌场网络生物学的学术标准, 学前卫生专业和本科卫生专业课程.

While in Seville students also have the opportunity to take UNE-approved courses in history, 心理学, 业务, 市场营销, 经济学, 政治学和社会学——全部用英语授课. Most of these courses offer a focus on either the Spanish or global aspects of the academic discipline. 学生 are also required to take an intensive Spanish language course that begins two weeks prior to the semester and continues throughout the term.


格拉纳达大学的彩色印章 4月23日, 2012, 正规澳门赌场网络校长里希访问了格拉纳达大学, 它是欧洲最古老、最负盛名的大学之一. She met with President Francisco González Lodeiro and signed a bilateral cooperation agreement between the two universities. 

The initial focus of the agreement is to explore opportunities between the two universities' colleges of pharmacy. The goal is to allow UNE's doctor of pharmacy students to take some of their elective courses and clinical rotations in Granada and to foster research collaborations.

格拉纳达大学是一所拥有80名学生的大学,000名学生拥有一流的药学专业, 牙科, 医学, 社会工作和体育科学, 以及大量的研究项目.




正规澳门赌场网络和 波特兰的迪尔林高中 于1月24日成立合伙公司, 为迪林的学生和教师提供新的学习机会.

作为合作的结果, Deering students will be able to attend lectures by international experts at UNE’s Portland campus. UNE students who have traveled abroad will also share their experiences with Deering students. UNE 教师 will provide professional development for Deering’s staff on topics such as the importance of developing a global outlook. 在未来, Deering的学生可以参加一些正规澳门赌场网络的课程来获得大学学分, 并可能有机会参加正规澳门赌场网络的国际旅游项目, 包括正规澳门赌场网络丹吉尔校区的项目, 摩洛哥.